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IAEA "political" resolution

Tehran has described as politically-motivated a recent anti-Iran resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani says the resolution is also aimed at piling up pressure on the Islamic Republic. But Tehran, according to Kan’ani, will never give in to such a pressure campaign. He stressed that Iran has the most transparent nuclear program in the world. The spokesman added, Tehran will continue its peaceful nuclear activities based on its needs and under its commitments to International treaties. On Thursday, the IAEA adopted a draft resolution submitted by the US, Britain, France and Germany over what they claimed Tehran’s lack of cooperation with the agency.

Israel's rights violations

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has called on the United Nations to put Israel on its “List of Shame” which deals with violations of children’s rights in armed conflicts. In a statement issued on the world’s children day, Hamas urged the UN and international human rights group to protect Palestinian children against Israel’s violations and terrorism. The movement warned about the most heinous forms of war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli regime against Palestinian kids. According to Hamas, over 35 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces so far this year. 160 others are being subjected to different forms of psychological and physical torture, while languishing in Israeli jails. The UN has already defied calls to add Israel to its annual “List of Shame”.

Russia-Ukraine war

Russia accuses Ukraine of shelling the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant as fifteen explosions rock the facility in under 24 hours. The spokesman said the missiles were fired around the power lines supplying the plant. Konashenkov added that no radiation leak has been detected. Shortly after, the Ukrainian nuclear energy agency said it was Russia who was behind the explosions. The International Atomic Energy Agency chief condemned the attacks and demanded an immediate end. Rafael Grossi called the shelling extremely disturbing. Zaporizhia is Europe's largest nuclear power plant. The facility has been under Russian control since March. It has come under repeated shelling with each side blaming the other.

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