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US forces in Eastern Syria come under rocket barrage using ‘new projectile’

File photo of invading American forces in Syria

The invading US forces deployed in eastern Syria come under a new rocket attack, which reportedly uses a ‘new’ type of the projectiles to catch the troops off guard as they were training Kurdish militants.

The attack hit the troops stationed in the United States’ biggest illegal military base in Syria, which is located in the al-Omar Oilfield in the eastern Syrian province of Dayr al-Zawr, on Sunday, the Arab country’s state television announced in a breaking news.

This is the second attack of the type to strike the forces in less than a week. Four days ago, Lebanon’s al-Manar television network had reported a similar rocket fire targeting the outpost.

Quoting local sources, the Syrian television described the latter strike as a “rocket barrage” as opposed to a single strike.

Sky News Arabia cited the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based so-called monitor, as saying that the barrage used a “new rocket.”

The Saudi-owned al-Arabiya TV, meanwhile, reported that the surprise attack came during a joint training drill between the American troops and the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The SDF is an umbrella group of mostly Kurdish militants, whom Washington has been training and equipping against Damascus for years.

There have been no reports so far about the extent of the potential casualties or damages that could have been caused as a result of the attack.

Also on Sunday, a powerful explosion caused by a mortar shell, rocked the Conoco gas field, similarly located in the eastern side of Dayr al-Zawr, which is likewise playing an unwelcome host to the American invaders.

Syria says it reserves its right to fend for itself in the face of all forms of illegal presence, including the one that has been staged by the United States in the country since 2014.

That year, Washington led scores of its allies into the Arab country and neighboring Iraq under the pretext of fighting the Takfiri terrorist group of Daesh.

The coalition retains its illegal presence, although, Syria and its allies, Iran and Russia, defeated Daesh in late 2017.

Numerous reports and regional officials have, meanwhile, pointed to the coalition’s role in transferring the terrorists around the region.

Besides breaking all international norms and regulations with its military action concerning Syria, Washington has taken the country under crippling illegal sanctions and is engaged in rampant looting of its oil.

This is while the nation could use every bit of its natural and economic resources as it tries to recover from a 2011-present foreign-backed militancy and terrorism.

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