In what may become a monthly boycott, for the second consecutive first Monday of the month, Latinos led ‘Another Day Without Immigrants’ with a slogan of 'no work, no school, no shopping'.
Across the United States, immigrants walked off the job, students walked out of school and businesses closed to show the economic and cultural necessity of protecting people from President Donald Trump's federal immigration crackdown.
Going from the almost open borders of Joe Biden to Trump's new plan to fast track over 1 million deportations without a court hearing, immigrants continue to be trapped by US policy.
There are so many things happening so quickly under the new administration, it's very difficult to understand the new policies coming into effect, and it's trying to get away from the fear mongering of like what could happen and trying to stick through what current laws are in place that do protect individuals, but ... you have to keep in mind that we have to fight back no matter what it is.
Protestor 01
What is never mentioned in the US mainstream media is how countries south of the border have been destabilized and even ruined by decade after decade of Washington's imperialist and anti-leftist policies.
I feel like that is incredibly important to recognize. I feel like it's a major reason as to our life a lot of us are here, and we want to organize and we want to create change for our people have better lives here, but it's honestly understanding why did our families or our people around us even leave their country of origin, like, why are they here? And a lot of that driving force is because that was forced through violence.
Protestor 02
Many industries in the United States rely on illegal immigration, exploiting migrant workers desperate for below normal wages while banking seemingly ever higher corporate profits.
An estimated 30 million foreigners work in the US, or 20% of the entire workforce, with 50 million total immigrants, both with and without permits.
With both foreign policy and domestic policy, Washington is accused of continually exploiting Latinos and other immigrants.
With so many negative policies producing so much misery in so many places, It's little wonder that few can see any solutions to the long running crisis.
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