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Gaza rallies, Hamas rocket fire warn against Israeli expansionism

Palestinians gather in Gaza city on July 1, 2020, to condemn Israel's annexation plan. (Photo by Palinfo)

Today marks another Day of Rage across Palestinian territories. Palestinian people and activists have spilled out into the streets in the Gaza Strip to make their voices heard against Israel's scheme to illegally annex parts of the land it has already occupied, hours after Hamas fired a barrage of rockets into the sea.

The protesters heeded a call by Gaza-based Palestinian resistance groups to stage "Day of Rage" rallies on Wednesday in protest against the Tel Aviv regime’s plan to impose its “sovereignty” over about a third of the West Bank, including settlements, as well as the fertile Jordan Valley.

The demonstrations were organized on July 1 to correspond with the date set by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to start his land grab scheme. 

Speaking on Tuesday, Raafat Murra, the head of Hamas media abroad, described the date as the "Palestinian National Day," saying it would confirm "the widespread Palestinian rejection of the Zionist plan to annex the West Bank."

Similar protests are to take place in other parts of the world, including across the United States and Europe in opposition to the Israeli move.

Israel, however, failed to launch the scheme on the set date amid openly expressed differences between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and key members of his cabinet, whose consent the White House says is needed for the annexation to go ahead.

Hamas warns with volley of rockets 

In the early hours of Wednesday, Earlier, Hamas fired a volley of rockets into the sea.

Palestinian media reported that the rocket fire was a "warning" against the West Bank annexation.

According to the Palestinian Samanews, a barrage of 20 rockets were launched within an hour.

Palestinian resistance groups have declared their resolve to stand up to the Israeli occupation and the regime's expansionism.

Last week, the Hamas military wing, known as the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, warned that, if implemented, the annexation bid would be considered a “declaration of war” on the Palestinians. 

"This wretched decision and plan, we'll not talk at length, but say it shortly and clearly – the resistance considers the decision as a declaration of war on the Palestinian people. The resistance is ready to protect its people and its holy places," said Qassam spokesman Abu Ubaida.

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