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Israeli warplanes bombard Gaza Strip

Ashraf Shannon
Press TV, Gaza

The Israeli regime has launched several air attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip hours after a rocket was allegedly fired from the coastal enclave, raising fears of a major military escalation as Israeli elections draw near. Eyewitnesses say Israeli warplanes bombed Hamas security positions.

The fresh airstrikes come amidst elections campaigns where most Israeli candidates are former high-ranking generals in the Israeli military.

Benny Gantz who used to be the Israeli army’s chief of staff along with the other Israeli candidates including Avigdor Lieberma, the former Israeli minister for military affairs, have been issuing campaign pledges to voters, promising to wage a war on the Gaza Strip and destroy Palestinian resistance groups.

They accuse Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, of being weak in the way he has been dealing with the Palestinian resistance groups.

The Israeli regime has waged three wars on Gaza and the latest one ended in late August 2014 after killing and injuring thousands of innocent Palestinians there. In May, the Gaza Strip witnessed the worst Israeli violence of its kind since the end of the 2014 war.

Observers expect that in any future war against Gaza, the Israeli regime will be dealt a heavy blow by Palestinian resistance groups.

The attacks against the blockaded coastal sliver and the warmongering rhetoric by Israeli officials come as Tel-Aviv is preparing for elections. The Israeli regime has already waged three devastating wars on the besieged enclave since 2008.

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