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Railway blast kills 4 in Pakistan's Balochistan

Men push a stretcher carrying an injured blast victim to a hospital in the city of Quetta, following a bomb explosion against a passenger train in the Mastung district of the militancy-hit southwestern province of Balochistan, Pakistan, on November 1, 2015. (© AFP)

Four people have been killed and ten others injured in an improvised explosive device blast on a stretch of a railway track in Pakistan’s militancy-plagued southwestern province of Balochistan.

The explosion took place as the Quetta-Rawalpindi Jaffar Express train en route from the provincial capital, Quetta, to the garrison city of Rawalpindi in the eastern province of Punjab, struck the bomb in the Dasht area of Mastung District on Sunday.

Shafqat Anwar, a senior government official on the site, said one passenger wagon was damaged after it was derailed by the impact of the blast.

Anwar Sammo, another senior government official, said all those killed and injured in the blast were railway employees, adding that some 650 passengers were onboard when the incident happened.

Pakistani paramedics treat victims at a hospital in the city of Quetta, following a bomb explosion against a passenger train in the Mastung district of the militancy-hit southwestern province of Balochistan, Pakistan, November 1, 2015. (© AFP)

Railways spokesman, Maqbool Ahmed, said the railway track has been repaired and traffic restored.

No individual or militant group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Pakistani authorities, however, blame such assaults in the region on Baloch separatists.

Balochistan is largely known for its rich gas and mineral resources, but also for its widespread anti-government militancy. Pakistan accuses neighboring India of having a hand in the militancy.

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