EU parliament
Palestine7 months ago
EU legislators call for trade embargo on illegal Israeli settlements
Members of the European Union parliament have emphasized the need for a significant shift in EU policy following the groundbreaking decision made by the ICJ regarding Israel's unlawful annexation of Palestinian territory.
EU legislators call for trade embargo on illegal Israeli settlements
IN-DEPTH7 months ago
Surge to the right challenges EU Parliament
The new European Parliament is scheduled to hold its first session next week and its composition is poised to create major headaches for the political establishment.
Surge to the right challenges EU Parliament
IN-DEPTH8 months ago
Far right overrun EU elections
Around 360 million EU citizens cast their votes in 27 EU countries to elect 720 members of the European Parliament.
Far right overrun EU elections
IN-DEPTH11 months ago
EU parliament to shift to the right
Populist radical right parties are expected to gain votes and seats in the 2024 European Parliamentary elections due to the EU leadership's tendency to favor multinational interests over European interests.
EU parliament to shift to the right
Palestineone year ago
European Parliament committee calls for prosecution of Israel over war crimes
The European Parliament has endorsed a resolution calling on the EU to assist the ICC to prosecute Israel for its war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories.
European Parliament committee calls for prosecution of Israel over war crimes
Viewpointone year ago
European MPs host anti-Iran terror cult leader, harp about human rights
The blatant hypocrisy of European parliamentarians was again evident after they hosted a notorious anti-Iran terror cult leader while harping about human rights.
European MPs host anti-Iran terror cult leader, harp about human rights
IN-DEPTHone year ago
The EU Refugee policy is criminal
The International Organization for Migration, a UN body, says more than 20,000 refugees have drowned in the Central Mediterranean since 2014 whilst trying to reach the EU.
The EU Refugee policy is criminal
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