Iraq4 months ago
Iraqis storm Saudi TV office over insult to resistance leaders
Hundreds of Iraqi protesters have stormed the offices of a Saudi television in Baghdad, after the broadcaster aired a report disrespectful to the commanders and leaders of the Axis of Resistance.
Iraqis storm Saudi TV office over insult to resistance leaders
Saudi Arabia2 years ago
Saudi television lampoons Biden for his gaffes amid rising tensions
Saudi Arabia’s state broadcaster has lampooned US President Joe Biden in a rare move amid rising tensions between the kingdom and Washington.
Saudi television lampoons Biden for his gaffes amid rising tensions
IN-DEPTH4 years ago
Arab countries join Israel, betray Palestinians
Arab countries aligning with Israel is nothing new. However, what is new and less reported is Saudi Arabia's attempt to encourage not only Arab but also African countries to join the pro-Israeli covenant.
Arab countries join Israel, betray Palestinians
Iraq4 years ago
Iraqi MPs urge shutdown of Saudi TV's office for insulting late PMU cmdr
The Iraqi parliament has called for the closure of the office of Saudi-funded TV channel MBC after it insulted the late Hashd al-Sha'abi commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
Iraqi MPs urge shutdown of Saudi TV's office for insulting late PMU cmdr
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