Reports22 days ago
Italian PM under investigation over release of Libyan subject to ICC arrest
Italian PM Meloni is under investigation at home over a case related to deportation of a top Libyan police official.
Italian PM under investigation over release of Libyan subject to ICC arrest
Reports23 days ago
Italian lawyers discuss Rome's complicity in Israeli crimes against Palestinians
A public meeting on Israel's war crimes and genocidal policies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories has been held at the Italian parliament.
Italian lawyers discuss Rome's complicity in Israeli crimes against Palestinians
Reports26 days ago
Pro-Palestine rallies in Italy want end to Israel's genocidal policy
Thousands at rallies held in the capital Rome demand the international community stop supporting the Israeli regime's genocidal policies in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Pro-Palestine rallies in Italy want end to Israel's genocidal policy
Reports29 days ago
NATO getting more assertive as alliance appoints new Italian chair
An Italian admiral has assumed the role of chair of the NATO Military Committee as the Western alliance's assertive posture appears more evident every day.
NATO getting more assertive as alliance appoints new Italian chair
Moreone month ago
Italy’s birth rate collapse 'irreversible'
Population expert Alessandro Rosina has called the country’s birth rate decline “irreversible” as more than 358 regions experienced no births in 2023.
Italy’s birth rate collapse 'irreversible'
Reportsone month ago
Conference on settler violence in occupied West Bank held in Italian senate
Conference on settler violence in occupied West Bank was held in Italian senate.
Conference on settler violence in occupied West Bank held in Italian senate
Reportsone month ago
Italian TV show exposes close links between Israeli lobby, EU institutions
An Italian TV show has exposed close links between high-ranking figures and MPs in European institutions and Israeli lobbies.
Italian TV show exposes close links between Israeli lobby, EU institutions
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