campus protests
IN-DEPTH10 months ago
Campus movement spreads to Latin America
The National Autonomous University of Mexico isn’t likely to be the scene of massive student repression like those witnessed in the United States, but protesters are demanding their government place more pressure on Israel.
Campus movement spreads to Latin America
IN-DEPTH10 months ago
University of Calgary: Pro-Palestine encampment attacked by police
Canadian university students continue to establish pro-Palestinian encampments on campus, with the newest calls for academic institutions to divest from Israel coming from within the city of Calgary.
University of Calgary: Pro-Palestine encampment attacked by police
Reports10 months ago
US campus protests for Palestine continue despite mass arrests, brutality
US campus protests for Palestine continue despite mass arrests and brutality.
US campus protests for Palestine continue despite mass arrests, brutality
Broadcast the web10 months ago
Student Intifada sweeps US campuses
Students and faculty around the world have been engaging in a wave of protests to demand that their institutions divest from companies that profit from Israel.
Student Intifada sweeps US campuses
Palestine10 months ago
Duke University commencement speech prompts walkout over speaker's Israel support
Dozens of students leave Duke University's commencement ceremony over speaker's support for Israel.
Duke University commencement speech prompts walkout over speaker's Israel support
News Headlines10 months ago
Press TV’s news headlines
Here are Press TV’s latest top stories at 2:00 GMT on May 10, 2024
Press TV’s news headlines
Politics10 months ago
Campus protests: Iran says US, Europe value Israel above human rights
Iran says the ongoing crackdown on pro-Palestine student protests in the West shows the US and the Europeans put support for Israel ahead of their human rights obligations.
Campus protests: Iran says US, Europe value Israel above human rights
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