Iran Tech10 months ago
Simorgh, Iran's tactical light cargo plane
Simorgh is Iran's first domestically-made light cargo plane.
Simorgh, Iran's tactical light cargo plane
Iran Firstone year ago
Iran announces developing 1st passenger aircraft manufacturing factory
Iran's civil aviation chief announces that the country has developed its first passenger aircraft manufacturing factory.
Iran announces developing 1st passenger aircraft manufacturing factory
More2 years ago
Nearly 20 dead after passenger plane crash-lands in Tanzania
At least 19 people die after a passenger plane crash-lands into Lake Victoria in Tanzania.
Nearly 20 dead after passenger plane crash-lands in Tanzania
Venezuela2 years ago
Maduro: US wants to ‘steal’ Venezuelan plane grounded in Argentina
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has condemned a call by the United States for Argentina to seize a Venezuelan cargo plane that has been grounded in Buenos Aires for nearly two months, saying Washington wants to “steal” the aircraft.
Maduro: US wants to ‘steal’ Venezuelan plane grounded in Argentina
Economy2 years ago
Argentina releases some crew of grounded plane after Iran’s warning
Argentina releases 12 crews, including one Iranian, of a Venezuelan plane detained since June.
Argentina releases some crew of grounded plane after Iran’s warning
Politics2 years ago
Declassified: UK ‘immediately’ backed US over 1988 downing of Iranian plane
Newly declassified files show that the British government offered immediate support to the US over the downing of an Iranian plane in 1988.
Declassified: UK ‘immediately’ backed US over 1988 downing of Iranian plane
Politics2 years ago
Iranians mark anniversary of US downing of passenger plane
Iranians commemorates the 34th anniversary of the downing of its passenger airliner by a US Navy guided-missile cruiser in the Persian Gulf.
Iranians mark anniversary of US downing of passenger plane
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