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Biden will be remembered for genocide, deception and corruption

President Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, D.C., September 30, 2024. (Reuters)

Joe Biden's presidency is marked by controversy, with accusations of genocide, deception, and corruption. He has probably left the political arena for good and with the second lowest approval ratings of any president since World War Two.

Biden's 50 years of pre-presidential career was notable for his congressional co-sponsoring of the bombing of Yugoslavia, his sponsoring of the 1994 crime bill, which led to the mass incarceration of African Americans, and pushing for sanctions and then war against Iraq.

As president, many now hold Biden responsible for the death or injury to over 1 million Ukrainians and Russians and over 200,000 Gazans.

I wasn't surprised, because he's been a deep, strong, fervent supporter of Israel and a Zionist since he's been in the Senate. So this is not a very surprising thing from Joe Biden, but it is certainly disappointing and certainly something that he did not have to do, but chose to do.

And in terms of, you know, the impact on the average person here, I think the average person here has been walking around, seeing these images, knowing what's happening to people who, you know, in the broad like, we're all part of the world community together, right?

We're all workers. We have so much more in common with each other than we do with our own leaders, with the government in this country.

Nicole Roussel, Party for Socialism and Liberation

Biden's insistence on one of cash payments as a response to the COVID crisis, instead of setting up long-term redistribution programs, fueled record inflation, as did his backfiring sanctions campaign against Russia.

Biden's legacy for whatever things were accomplished under it, there were things that, you know, the inflation Reduction Act - there were some things that happened that, you know, were out of step in the right direction.

But it still wasn't nearly enough against the climate crisis, against rising economic inequality; health insurance costs are just going up.

So there's a lot of anger and fear from millions of people across the country about, you know, people's lives just getting worse, and people don't see a way out, so they need to hear a real alternative.

Ashik Siddique, Democratic Socialist of America

The reputation of domestic mainstream media has been perhaps irrevocably tarnished by relaying the Biden team's insistence that the now ex-president had not suffered any cognitive decline.

The Democratic Party is still reeling from Biden's attempts to run for re-election, only to have ultimately used donors and oligarchs to force an end to his attempt at a second term.

Biden's final acts included issuing unprecedented, so-called preemptive pardons to five more members of his family in order to shield them from possible criminal charges over long running allegations of corruption, bribery and influence peddling, many concerning Ukraine, since 2014.

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