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US keeps backing Kiev's 'terrorist plans' by its military aid: Russia

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly (File photo by TASS) Antonov

The US government keeps sponsoring the "terrorist plans" of Kiev by sending military aid to the ex-soviet country, causing more death and suffering, Russia's ambassador to Washington has reiterated.

"The actions by Washington, which continues to pump its Ukrainian puppets with weapons, are beyond morality and common sense," Anatoly Antonov insisted in a post on the Russian embassy's official Telegram channel as quoted in a TASS report on Wednesday.

"The United States seeks to present itself as a selfless benefactor of Ukraine. It hypocritically talks about ‘helping’ the republic. It manipulates public opinion, hiding the true goals of its policy," the Russian diplomat further emphasized.

Referring to US plans to send another $400 million package of military aid to Kiev, Antonov added: "The only thing the United States strives for is more human suffering and deaths. One can be sure that missiles and munitions, paid for with billions of dollars from the pockets of American taxpayers, will ruin cities, litter fields with unexploded ammunition, maim and mutilate."

He also emphasized that the United States is trying more for human casualties and the country is destroying and killing with the billions of dollars it receives from its taxpayers.

The statement came as the US government announced on Tuesday that it will send another package of military aid worth 400 million dollars to Ukraine.

The package will include additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems, National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS), and High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), as well as 32 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers, Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles, Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets, Hydra-70 aircraft rockets, Hornet Unmanned Aerial Systems and over 28 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades.

Ukraine's Western-backed president has repeatedly called on its Western allies to speed up the pace of supplying weapons to his country.

In May, the Ukrainian president pressed allies to send more weapons as his military geared up for the planned counteroffensive. Meanwhile, Russia has warned that the flow of Western arms will only escalate tensions and prolong the war.

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