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Thousands rally across West Bank, Gaza to slam Israeli carnage in Nablus

People participate in a mass rally in the occupied West Bank early on February 24, 2023, in condemnation of the brutal Israeli military raid on the northern West Bank city of Nablus, where at least 11 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others wounded. (Photo via Twitter)

Thousands of people have poured onto the streets across the occupied West Bank and besieged Gaza Strip to condemn the brutal Israeli military raid on the northern West Bank city of Nablus, where at least 11 Palestinians were killed and scores of others wounded.

The protesters took part in overnight demonstrations organized by the Lions’ Den resistance group, and in rejection of Israeli acts of aggression and massacres.

The participants waved the national Palestinian flag, and help up pictures of those killed in Israeli military raids on Jenin refugee camp, the city of Nablus and East Quds, and chanted slogans in support of the resistance front.

Demonstrators came on motorcycles or by cars in a show of solidarity with the Lions’ Den group, and set tires on fire at intersections while shouting loud chants of “God is Great.”

People participate in a mass rally in the occupied West Bank early on February 24, 2023, in condemnation of the brutal Israeli military raid on the northern West Bank city of Nablus, where at least 11 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others wounded. (Photo via Twitter)

The presence of people in the Shuafat refugee camp in East al-Quds, Dheisheh refugee camp south of Bethlehem, al-Khalil, Ramallah and Nablus has been described as exemplary.

The Lions’ Den group had earlier urged Palestinians from all walks of life to participate en masse in the rallies.

Haniyeh: Palestinians, resistance fighters won’t allow burning uprising to die down

Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Gaza-based Hamas resistance movement, also said in a statement that ordinary Palestinians and courageous resistance fighters will not allow anyone to put out the burning uprising in the West Bank.

“We salute all proud Palestinians, who came onto streets early on Friday to turn entire Palestinian territories into a den of lions in response to the Nablus massacre,” Haniyeh pointed out.

Arab League Council condemns Israeli crimes, demands intl. protection of Palestinians

Meanwhile, the Council of the Arab League has condemned Israeli crimes against Palestinians, and demanded provision of international protection to the oppressed nation.

The Council decried the large-scale Israeli crimes – classified as crimes against humanity and war crimes under international humanitarian law – against Palestinian people, and called on the international community to implement resolutions related to the protection of Palestinian civilians, especially UN Security Council Resolution 904 (1994), UNSC Resolution 605 (1987) and UN General Assembly Resolution 10\20- RES/ES (201) on the Protection of the Palestinian civilian population.

It urged international institutions to adopt promising measures in protection of Palestinians, and form a practical and effective mechanism to implement the UNGA Resolution.

The Council also called upon the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities in terms of defending international security and peace, take immediate effective actions to halt all Israeli crimes and practices, and put an end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

It urged the International Criminal Court (ICC) to conduct a genuinely independent and impartial investigation into the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel, including settlement construction and expansion activities, extrajudicial killings of Palestinians and forcible displacement, and hold the perpetrators accountable.

OIC condemns Israeli massacre in Nablus as state terrorism

Additionally, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) strongly condemned the Israeli massacre committed in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, which resulted in 11 deaths and 102 injuries among Palestinians.

“This heinous crime constitutes an extension of the record of Israeli crimes and organized state terrorism practiced against Palestinian people,” the OIC said in a statement.

It also blamed the occupying Israeli regime for all the consequences of the carnage, which should be investigated and its perpetrators brought to justice.

The OIC urged the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities, and carry out its duties in connection with protection of Palestinians against the “continuous Israeli aggression.”

Young Palestinian man succumbs to Israeli gunshot wounds

Moreover, a young Palestinian man has succumbed to Israeli army gunshot wounds they sustained during a raid in the occupied West Bank.

Medical sources at the al-Ahli Hospital in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil announced the death of Muhammad Ismail Jawabreh, 22, early on Friday, adding that he was admitted to hospital in a critical condition as he a bullet had pierced through his head.

Jawabreh was shot in an Israeli army raid on al-Arroub refugee camp on Thursday, during which confrontations with Palestinian youth broke out in the area.

Israeli forces launch raids on cities across the occupied West Bank almost on a daily basis under the pretext of detaining what the regime calls “wanted” Palestinians. The raids usually lead to deadly attack against residents.

Over the past months, Israel has ramped up attacks on Palestinian towns and cities throughout the occupied territories. As a result of these attacks, dozens of Palestinians have lost their lives and many others have been arrested.

On January 26, Israeli forces raided the city of Jenin and its neighboring refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank, killing ten Palestinians in one of the deadliest raids in years.

The United Nations marked 2022 as the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in 16 years.

Israeli forces killed at least 171 Palestinians in the West Bank and occupied East al-Quds last year, including more than 30 children. At least 9,000 others were also injured.

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