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Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

JCPOA revival talks

Iran's foreign minister says it is possible to achieve a final agreement on the revival of the 2015 deal if the American side acts realistically. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remark in a phone call with his Nigerian counterpart Geoffrey Onyeama. Iran's top diplomat reaffirmed Tehran’s commitment to continuing negotiations with the other parties to the deal, known as the JCPOA. Amir-Abdollahian said Tehran is determined to achieve a strong and durable agreement. He expressed hope the UN nuclear agency, IAEA, fulfills its technical duties free from politics. Iran had said earlier the IAEA chief’s claim of a gap in the agency’s knowledge about the Iranian nuclear program lacked legal basis. Tehran says it would fulfill its JCPOA commitments only if the deal is restored, sanctions are removed, and other parties return to their obligations under the deal.

Twitter security problem

The former head of security at Twitter Peiter Zatko has testified before the US Senate Judiciary Committee on the social media platform’s major data security flaws.

US weapons in Ukraine

A senior US official says Washington is planning to send another shipment of weaponry to Ukraine. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the military package will be sent in a few days. He said Washington will continue to support Ukraine’s armed forces. Last week, the White House approved a 675-million-dollar package in military assistance to Ukraine. The United States has already pledged about 13 billion dollars in military aid for Ukraine. Since the war began in late February, Russia has frequently warned the US against arming Ukraine and sharing intelligence with the country. Moscow also says the arms shipments will only prolong the conflict

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