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Russia blasts 'havoc' in areas under US occupation in Syria

Russia’s United Nations envoy Vasily Nebenzya

Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya says US and European sanctions on Syria are to blame for Syria’s widespread humanitarian crisis.

“Establishing fully fledged peace and stability in that country is hindered by the illegal occupation by the US of a significant part” of Syria, Nebenzya said in New York during a UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday.

He slammed “inhumane living conditions” and “havoc” in areas under effective US control, where authorities “plundered natural and agricultural resources".

This “is the recipe for how to combat the global energy and food crisis, according to the American way”, he said.

Nebenzya said Syria has made great victories against terrorism, but US occupation of a large part of the country is the cause of instability.

The US and its allies invaded Syria in 2014 under the pretext of fighting Daesh. However, numerous reports and regional officials have pointed to the US role in transferring Daesh elements throughout the region and even airlifting aid to the terrorist group.

Under former American president Donald Trump, the American military began exploiting oil from parts of the Syrian territory.

Earlier this month, the US Treasury Department approved activities in 12 sectors, including agriculture, construction, and finance, in northern Syria but made clear that it did not permit any transactions with the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or its subsidiaries.

On May 13, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates denounced Washington’s contribution to the plunder of Syria's crude oil reserves, foodstuff, and historical monuments, destruction of its economic infrastructure and murders of many innocent citizens who refused to collaborate with American and Western schemes.

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