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Fourth journalist killed in Mexico in less than a month

File photo shows images of murdered journalists during a national protest in Mexico.

Another journalist has been killed in Mexico amid a wave of assassinations that have taken the lives of at least four journalists in less than a month.

Roberto Toledo was shot dead by three gunmen on Monday afternoon in a carpark in the city of Zitácuaro. He reported for Monitor Michoacán, a local news agency.

"Toledo was killed for denouncing the administration corruption, and the officials and politicians corruptions," Armando Linares, director of Monitor Michoacán, said in a video posted on Facebook.

Toledo died from his wounds, according to witnesses.

Linares said the news agency had received several threats in recent days for reporting on corruption by politicians.

State authorities said an investigation was launched to the killing.

Two other journalists, a photographer Margarito Martinez and reporter Lourdes Maldonado Lopez, were killed within a week of each other in the city of Tijuana last month.

Reporter Jose Luis Gamboa was also killed in the coastal state of Veracruz in an attack on January 10.

The recent spate of killings has sparked protests in different cities across Mexico.

Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists, reporters and social media activists.

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