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Pumps run dry in UK fuel crisis

Amina Taylor
Press TV, London

It’s scenes like these that have the British government considering sending in army personnel in an effort to alleviate the fuel crisis that has seen back-to-back queues or empty forecourts across the UK over the past days.

Drivers across the capital have been involved in a desperate game of trying to beat their neighbor to a petrol station that was lucky enough to still have some fuel left

It’s empty forecourts like this that will increase the political anxiety of the British government but it will be even more stressful times ahead for the British consumer worried about whether they’ll have enough fuel to make it to work, school and go about their day.

The Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is keen to describe this not as crisis exacerbated by Brexit but one being manufactured by the haulier industry who says they need over 100,000 drivers to meet current need. There has also been a degree of blame placed at the feet of the consumers for panic-buying and driving up demand unnecessarily.

PM Boris Johnson has already announced a three-month visa scheme to tempt experienced EU HGV drivers back to the UK to assist until Christmas and the role the army could play is also being explored.

In the meantime, consumers want to guarantee they are not left stranded and if that means driving miles on search of the precious fuel – it’s a journey they are willing to make.

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