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China-US tensions

Beijing has lashed out at the United States for blacklisting several more Chinese entities over alleged human rights abuses. In a statement, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said Washington’s addition of 23 Chinese entities to an economic blacklist amounts to a serious breach of international economic and trade rules. The ministry added the US move was 'an unreasonable suppression of Chinese companies.' It underlined that Beijing will take necessary measures to safeguard China's legitimate rights and interests. The development comes amid an ongoing trade war between the two countries, which have been at loggerheads over several issues, including tariffs on imports.

Shameful hypocrisy

Tehran slams Western countries for supporting and participating in the annual meeting of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization terror group. The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the MKO is a terrorist cult that has the blood of Iranian people on its hands. Saeed Khatibzadeh slammed Western politicians including former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo for 'selling themselves to the Europe-hosted circus.' He accused the West of shameful hypocrisy driven by an insatiable thirst for money and anti-Iran obsession. The MKO’s three-day virtual meeting which began in Paris Saturday is attended by Pompeo and several US lawmakers as well as Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa. Every year, the event brings together delegates paid by the terror group. The MKO has carried out assassination and bombing campaigns against Iranians since the country’s Islamic Revolution of 1979.

US heatwave

The western United States is bracing for a more scorching heatwave after the country recorded June as the hottest month in 127 years of record-keeping. The National Weather Service has predicted dangerously hot conditions including temperatures up to 54 degrees Celsius in Death Valley, California. It said the existing record of high temperature is likely to be rivaled or broken. It also warned of the elevated risk of heat-related illnesses. The hottest month of June, which coincided with a record-setting drought, killed scores of people, strained electric grids and depleted reservoirs. The extended heatwave has already killed at least 116 people in Oregon alone.

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