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Iran Leader remarks

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has highlighted the significance of elections in the country prior to Friday’s presidential vote. Ayatollah Khamenei called for a huge voter turnout in the presidential election and urged people from all walks of life to participate irrespective of their political affiliations. He said the huge presence of people at the ballot boxes will contribute to removing economic pressure and sanctions on the country. The leader also warned of enemy attempts to undermine people's participation in the election.

Rejecting US-EU statement

Beijing has condemned a recent anti-China statement issued by the United States and the European Union. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said China strongly opposes any country that seeks to impose its demands on other nations. On Tuesday, the US and the EU agreed to a long-term truce in their dispute over subsidies to respective plane makers, Boeing and Airbus. A statement said the suspension will allow both parties to focus on tackling China’s trade and economic practices.

Coronavirus in UK

Britain has reported more than 9,000 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period. That’s the highest daily increase since February. The total number of coronavirus cases in the country now stands at 4,580,000. The UK also recorded another nine deaths. The total number of coronavirus-related fatalities in Britain now stands at 128,000. Meanwhile, in Russia, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has warned QUOTE "the coronavirus situation continues to unfold dramatically," ordering mandatory jabs in the city. Despite this, the EU has agreed to lift coronavirus restrictions for US travelers as Western countries are moving toward a return to pre-Covid life. The decision comes ahead of the busy summer holiday season critical to the economies of many member nations.

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