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Neocons attempting to reinvigorate aggressive US foreign policy: Analyst

US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams speaks at the State Department in Washington, March 15, 2019. (AP photo)

Neocons are attempting to reinvigorate aggressive American foreign policy that targets countries like Bolivia, China, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Venezuela “that choose to follow policies independent of those dictated by the United States,” according to a political analyst.

Edward Corrigan, an international lawyer and journalist based in Canada, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday while commenting on a report which revealed that American forces in Iraq are targeting Iraqi forces instead of supporting them against Daesh terrorists.

The chairman of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or Hashd al-Sha’abi has denounced the destabilizing role of US troops in the Arab country.

Speaking on Tuesday, Falih al-Fayyadh urged the Iraqi government to call for an end to the US military mission as it had previously requested their presence, al-Ahed news website reported.

“The Americans are not a pro-Iraqi, but rather a dominant and occupying force,” he said. “The American forces currently present at their bases are combat personnel and their job seems to be inciting groups opposed to their presence in Iraq, which is a source of instability.”

“US troops are not fulfilling their duties to provide Iraqi forces with monitoring and intelligence support or equip them with weapons [but] are targeting Iraqi forces instead, including Hashd al-Sha’abi, especially the commanders of the Nasr” resistance group, he added.

Meanwhile, a rocket attack has hit the Ain al-Assad Airbase hosting US troops in the western Iraqi province of al-Anbar, the third such incident to target the American interests in the Arab country in as many days.

The Iraqi army said in a statement on Tuesday that two rockets had landed at the base, but the attack caused no casualties, without giving more details. The Iraqi TV al-Ahd television channel said rocket sirens had gone off at the sprawling installation.

No earlier than on Monday, at least six rockets hit the al-Balad Airbase that houses US forces and warplanes north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

A day earlier, an airbase similarly housing a United States-led coalition’s forces at Baghdad International Airport came under rocket fire.

The triple back-to-back incidents have not been claimed by any party or individual yet, but the US usually blames such attacks on Iraqi resistance groups.


‘What justification Americans have for staying in Iraq?’

Corrigan said that “despite their claims of bringing security to the region US troops

own bases are under rocket attack there. What justification they have for staying in Iraq?”

“There is no legal justification for American troops in Iraq. There are no United Nations Security Council resolutions that authorize the presence of foreign troops in Iraq. The Iraqi government originally asked the United States to assist with the fight against Daesh. However, on January 3, 2020 the US assassinated Iran’s anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi General Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy head of the PMU, in a drone strike authorized by former president Donald Trump. These two men were leaders in the fight against the Islamic State,” he stated.

“It makes no sense to claim that you are fighting Daesh when you kill two of the leaders in that battle. On January 5, 2020 the Iraqi parliament unanimously approved a bill, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign military forces led by the United States. There have been repeated calls from Iraqi authorities for the American combat troops to leave. When one looks at the actions of the American troops it is clear that they are attacking Iraqi forces actually fighting Daesh and using the excuse of fight Islamists as a pretext to remain in Iraq and as a tool to destabilize the country,” he said.


‘American troops are intending to stay in Iraq’

Corrigan said, “The installation of defensive weapons systems sends a clear signal that the American troops are intending to stay in Iraq. These actions will only antagonize the Iraqi people and fuel anti-American sentiments.”

“These actions also display contempt for Iraqi sovereignty and contempt for the wishes of the Iraqi people,” he said.

“On April 28, Elliot [note spelling correction] Abrahams wrote an opinion piece in which he announced that he is "joining with 75 other national security scholars and practitioners to launch the Vandenberg Coalition, a new network committed to advancing a strong and proud American foreign policy." How do see their move in forming a coalition and what do they mean by "advancing" foreign policy? Cause the situation in countries like Iraq demands a troop withdrawal plan rather than further advancement,” he added.


‘Elliot Abrahams is a notorious war hawk’

“Elliot Abrahams is a notorious war hawk, a pro-Israeli neoconservative and a convicted felon. He pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 1991 as a part of the Iran-Contra affair. Abrahams was later pardoned by then-President George H.W. Bush. Abrahams, who was assistant secretary of state at the time, admitted he had unlawfully withheld information from congressional committees in 1986 when he testified about the secret Contra supply network. Abrahams is known to use human rights as a weapon to attack states that do not conform to the United States edicts. He also is known to be an apologist for states that are terrible human rights abusers but are subservient to American political objectives,” Corrigan noted.

“Elliot Abrahams served under the last three American Republican Presidents, including President Trump. He was the point man for various American regime change initiatives. Abrahams is also known for his strong pro-Israeli views and his anti-Iran political positions,” he said.

“The Vandenberg Coalition is named after the Republican Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that backed US President Harry Truman’s Atlanticist and globalist agenda after World War II. This set in place policies that asserted American domination of the Globe in the post war period. This new coalition is essentially a reincarnation of the Project for a New American Century and the Foreign Policy Initiative which advocated American domination of global affairs. These groups supported the US invasion of Iraq, an aggressive Israel and defended allies like Saudi Arabia who had terrible human rights records. These organizations promoted an ‘American First’ and an aggressive American foreign policy. Regime change is the policy of choice. The policies included some specular failures like the invasion of Iraq and the sanction regime against Iran,” he stated.

“Abrahams is the head of the Vandenberg Coalition which is a collection of Neoconservatives who are promoting a continuation of this aggressive American foreign policy that targets countries like Bolivia, China, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Venezuela that choose to follow policies independent of those dictated by the United States,” he said.

“However, these Neocons are attempting to reinvigorate American policies that have proven to have had limited success but have the support of American arms manufacturers and allied economic and political interests. What these policy makers have in common is a contempt of the sovereignty of the countries that are targeted. These policies are very destructive and have also been largely unsuccessful and has caused considerable damage and massive loss of life,” he continued.

“In my opinion these policies have been unsuccessful and are signs that the American Empire is in decline. Unfortunately, the continuation of these aggressive policies is bringing the World to the brink of World War III,” he concluded.

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