Syria talks in Ankara 

These are the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:

Syria talks in Ankara 

For the second time in less than five months, the presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey have held a summit to discuss ways to bring Syria’s deadly conflict to an end. At the end of the meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara, the leaders issued a statement, reaffirming their commitment to achieving a lasting ceasefire between Syria’s warring sides. They also reiterated that there could be no military solution to the conflict and that the crisis could only be resolved through a negotiated political process. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani slammed the U-S’ years-long military intervention in Syria which came without consent from the United Nations or Damascus. He accused Washington of seeking to increase tensions in the war-torn country and ultimately divide Syria. 


British scientists unable to identify the source of the poison used against a Russian ex-spy  in England. Britain's Porton Down defense laboratory has now announced it is unable to verify the precise source of the nerve agent used against Sergei Skripal and his daughter. British authorities had been quick to blame Russia for the attack and were confident tests would confirm this. British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson said in March that Porton Down had "categorical" evidence that Russia was behind the attack. Yet, London has played down the new finding by saying, “This is only one part of the intelligence picture,” insisting on its own  narrative of the attack, without any hard evidence to support it.

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