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Clinton's arrogance matches Trump's imbecility: Analyst

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Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) and President Donald Trump

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's arrogance matches President Donald Trump's imbecility, but she hides her inner monster very well, according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist.

Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday while commenting on a speech by Clinton in which she said losing the 2016 presidential election to Trump has been “pretty devastating.”

In a commencement address at Medgar Evers University in New York on Thursday, Clinton showed that the crushing defeat at the hands of the maverick Republican politician is still “with her.”

She took multiple swipes at President Trump during her speech and called on students to fight for social justice and civil rights.

“An electoral loss can be devastating, as Hillary Clinton claims, but humiliation can last a lifetime, that’s if one has a conscience and sees losing to someone like Trump for the reality that it is,” Hoenig said.

“Not in most Americans’ lifetime has an election been staged to anoint one of the two most despised individuals ever to take the political stage! This last election was as demoralizing for the public as if it were a race between Joe McCarthy and George Wallace,” he added.

Former US Senator Joseph McCarthy, who oversaw a campaign to expose people he regarded as communists in the 1950s.

“It’s not possible to say how Clinton would be acting if she were the electoral winner. It’s unlikely that she’d be as crude or as imbecilic as Trump,” the analyst stated.  

“Even during her years as First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State she was very adept at hiding the inner monster that guides her political essence,” he explained.

‘Clinton wouldn’t be as crude as Trump’

“She wouldn’t be so crude as to denigrate minorities openly on the stump or at the bully pulpit but behind the scenes she’d be exploring ways to murder thousands abroad if it was the means to reach a political goal,” the activist said.

“One cannot be amazed at the hubris and arrogance of Clinton railing against Trump’s attacks on human and civil rights when she so quietly orchestrated or encouraged everything from racial profiling, mass incarceration, and now we’re learning how she openly supported a slave-labor system in the Arkansas prison industry in which she benefited as First Lady of Arkansas when she would have her scrambled eggs fixed by a prison inmate in her kitchen, knowing full well that she could have them sent back for any infraction,” Hoenig said.

“The only difference between her racism and Trump’s is a matter of how public they go with it,” he noted.

“She was correct in saying to the graduates that they should go out and vote for those who will shape their world. But the world of the graduates of Medgar Evers College are very far removed from the privileged white university that she graduated from and of those graduates who are the ones that set policies,” the expert concluded. 

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