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Philippines explosion kills at least 12 people

Police investigators collect evidence through injured and dead people lying on the ground at the site of an explosion at a night market in Davao City, the southern island of Mindanao, the Philippines, September 2, 2016. (AFP)

At least a dozen people have been killed in an explosion that hit Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's southern home city of Davao.

Davao city spokeswoman Catherine dela Rey confirmed the blast on Friday. Two dozen people were also injured.

Davao is located about 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) from the capital Manila.

However, she said it had not been immediately clear what caused the blast, which rocked an area near one of Davao's top hotels packed with tourists and business people.

"There was an explosion but as to what caused it, it is still under investigation," dela Rey added.

Earlier, presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella was quoted as saying that the explosion rocked a market area in Davao.

Duterte had served as mayor of Davao for most of the past two decades before being elected as president in June.

The president's son and Davao vice mayor, Paolo, confirmed the casualties and echoed dela Rey’s remarks.

"Right now, we cannot yet give definite answer to questions as to who is behind this as we are also trying to determine what really exploded," Paolo said in a statement.

Takfiri militants and communist rebels have claimed fatal assaults in Davao before.

"Let us pray for the victims of this unfortunate incident, especially for those who died. Let us pray for those who are being treated in different hospitals and pray for their quick recovery," Paolo said.

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