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US move near Russia border, threat of war: Analyst

US 173rd Airborne Brigade soldiers leave a C-17 aircraft during a military drill at the Lielvarde air base in Latvia. (File photo)

Press TV has interviewed Mike Billington, a member of the Executive Intelligence Review in Leesburg, about a US-led military drill kicking off in Romania amid Russia’s anger over NATO’s growing presence in Eastern Europe.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.


Press TV: In your own thoughts and words what kind of a threat do such war games at the moment pose and present to Moscow?

Billington: Well the war games are not the threat but the fact is that Obama is totally panicked. He has begun to ..., not begun, he is in the process of launching the most massive military build-up along Russia’s border and China’s border in Asia since World War II and it is perceived correctly by Putin and by Xi Jinping as a direct threat of war.

The fact is that Obama is panicked. The whole Western financial system is crumbling. Putin has successfully outflanked Obama in Syria by demonstrating that it is totally possible to defeat terrorism if you cut off the supplies to the terrorists from Obama’s friends in Saudi Arabia and Turkey which thereby exposes Obama as essentially a supporter of international terrorism and this is coupled in the United States by the fact that the fight over the 28-pages, that section of the 9/11 report which exposed the Saudi direct funding for the 9/11 hijackers and terrorists, this is now coming to a head while the American population is being diverted into this crazy election process between two fanatics - Clinton and Trump – the reality is that Obama is very severely threatened and could be  removed from office very quickly as Lyndon LaRouche has demanded he be before he pushed the button.

Now the Eastern European situation is where he thinks he can force the Russians to back down and he will not, he will not succeed. Putin has totally in fact outflanked him but the danger of war, the deployment of these missiles into Romania, the deployment of advanced missile systems into Latvia and Lithuania and they are about to start the missile deployments in Poland as well, this is real, this is a fanatic, a killer.

Press TV: So I gathered that in your opinion this is a clear and present danger being, let’s say, posed against Moscow and in your words perhaps Moscow feels legitimately justified to feel threatened but Russia claims that such moves and antics and tactics are essentially meant to undermine and weaken Moscow whereas in fact they will bolster Russia militarily and strengthen them. Do you get that sense as well?  

Billington: Well it is not meant to simply undermine Moscow in the sense of getting Putin to back down, as I said he won’t back down, it is a threat of war. We are on the brink of thermonuclear war. People better face the fact that we are dealing with a bankrupt Western financial system that would rather go to war against the BRICS, against Russia, China, India, and those nations who have put together a new world financial system, a new order through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the New Silk Road and so forth and that this is a threat to their existence not because they are threatening the West but because the West is bankrupt and can only survive by looting not by building. The West long ago gave up building anything in the developing sector. They simply looted raw materials and China is offering something different together with Russia.

So they are willing to go to war. This is a very, very serious threat. Putin has shown his brilliant creativity actually not just in the military deployment in Syria but as you probably know he took Russia’s greatest orchestra, the Mariinsky orchestra from Saint Petersburg right into Palmyra and used one of the greatest weapons in history ... in the middle of Palmyra where the ISIS (Daesh) carried out their beheadings.

This is a demonstration that creativity and beauty are the purpose of victory not just military defeat of an enemy but to bring the world to a higher order, to bring the world together around human creativity which has been so desperately lost in the West under the gun of the rock drug, sex counterculture and the green anti-science hysteria. We can and we must reverse the situation in the United States because if the US continues on its ... path, we are heading for a war, it will be a nuclear war, it could be extension of mankind and that this is going to be determined in the next weeks and months not years.

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