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Khodorkovsky on international wanted list may seek UK asylum

Russia issues arrest warrant for Khodorkovsky in connection with murder of Siberian mayor.

Former head of Russia’s Yukos Oil Company Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who is wanted in a high profile murder case, says he would apply for political asylum in the United Kingdom.  

“Definitely I’m considering asking for asylum in the UK, its obvious now - as a serious threat,” Khodorkovsky told British media.

The former oil tycoon has been officially charged in criminal case that was opened after the 1998 murder of Vladimir Petukhov, the mayor of the Siberian city of Neftyugansk who came into conflict with Yukos stakeholders and managers.  

On Wednesday, chief spokesman for Russia’s Investigative Committee said an arrest has been issued against Khodorkovsky in absentia over the killing of Petukhov. Five primary suspects, including Yukos co-owner Leonid Nevzlin and head of Yukos’ security department Aleksey Pichugin have already been tried and sentenced.

Khodorkovsky living in Switzerland after pardoned in embezzlement, fraud cases. 

Early this month, the Investigative Committee summoned Khodorkovsky for questioning as a suspect in Petukhov’s assassination.

The ex-tycoon who currently resides in Switzerland called the law enforcers’ fresh move “a boring attempt to change the subject. “He does not care at all. "These actions will not limit his movements in any way,” Khodorkovsky’s press secretary Kulle Pispanen told RIA Novosti.

Once Russia’s richest person, Khodorkovsky was arrested in 2003 and convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to nine years in prison. In 2009, he was charged with embezzlement and money laundering and was awarded 14 more years in prison. In 2013, he was pardoned by President Vladimir Putin.

At the time of his pardon, Khodorkovsky said he would not get involved in politics-which was widely believed to have been the reason for his early release. Now he says will “help young political activists in Russia to gain political experience and present an alternative to the existing regime”.

In recent years, Khodorkovsky has been found airing criticism against Putin saying the Russian president is taking the country toward the Soviet-style rule of the 1970s.  

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