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Palestinian girl injured by Israeli forces dies

This file photo shows a young injured Palestinian woman lying on the ground after being shot by Israeli forces at a checkpoint east of the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarm.

A young Palestinian woman has died following an incident in October when she was injured by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.  

The 18-year-old, identified as Samah Abd al-Mumen, was shot and injured at the Huwwara checkpoint in Nablus on October 23, when Israeli forces opened fire seeking to target another Palestinian teenager over allegations that he had attempted to stab a soldier, Palestinian Ma’an news agency reported on Wednesday.

Palestinian security sources said at the time of the incident that Samah was shot in the head while sitting in her car near where the shooting occurred.

The teenager who was hospitalized following the attack succumbed to her life-threatening injuries.

Israeli military forces shot and killed two more young Palestinians in the Qalandiya refugee camp near the city of Ramallah in the West Bank earlier on Wednesday.

Ahmad Jahajha, 20, and Hikmat Hamdan, 29, were both shot dead after they reportedly ran their cars into a group of Israeli soldiers who had entered the camp during an arrest raid. 

This photo shows slain Palestinian youths, Hikmat Hamdan (L) and Ahmad Jahajha, who were shot dead during a raid on the Palestinian Qalandiya refugee camp by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.

Meanwhile, Ma’an said dozens of Palestinian students have been injured by Israeli forces during an attack on the Kadoorie Institute in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Wednesday.

Tensions in the occupied territories have escalated since the Israeli regime’s imposition of restrictions in August on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). 

Palestinians are angry at increasing violence by Israeli settlers at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound and their attacks on Palestinian properties, saying the Tel Aviv regime seeks to change the status quo of the compound. 

More than 120 Palestinians have been killed in the recent escalation of violence since the start of October.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday that the current violence stems from the Palestinian youths’ despair over the halt in the talks between Israel and the Palestinians as well as the Israeli regime’s “invasion of the al-Aqsa Mosque and the continuation of settlement building and military checkpoint deployment.”

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