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Druze will stand up against Israel in Golan Heights: Analyst

This picture shows Druze men residing Golan Heights watching smoke rise in the horizon in the Syrian Druze village of Hadar, on June 16, 2015. (AFP photo)


Press TV has conducted an interview with Ibrahim Mousavi, a political analyst in Beirut, about Israeli forces abducting nine Syrian Druze residents after members of the religious community killed a Takfiri terrorist in Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

 The following is a rough transcription of the interview.


Press TV: Give us your thoughts on the recent events that have transpired in the occupied Golan Heights.

Mousavi: This is something that should have been expected by the Israelis long time ago because they keep supporting the Takfiri groups in many levels. One of them is giving them the medical treatment, let alone helping them by launching attacks or targeting the Syrian troops, sites and positions in that military area.

In this regard, I believe that the Israelis should expect more and more unrest in the area. They should expect more resistance coming from the part of the Druze because here you are talking about the history that has always been a history of resistance against the occupiers. You are talking about Jabal al-Druze, the Mountain of the Druze, where they have been part of the Syrian revolution against the occupation and against the colonial powers that came to the region long time ago.

Again and again the Israelis continue to support the Takfiri groups. They supported them while they are committing massacres against the Syria people, different sections and different confessions of the Syrians. They are not discriminating between one confession and another. We have been able to see that they launched a kind of liquidation battle between and among the same Takfiri groups. We know very well about the battles that have taken place between al-Nusra and Daesh, the ISIS, and the other groups even the so-called Free Syrian Army.

In this regard, I believe that the Druze, the different factions are going to continue their resistance. They are not going to stay calm in this situation because they are being targeted by massacres. Many massacres have been perpetrated against the Yazidis, against the Druze, against the Christians. I do not believe that they can just act as sitting ducks while they are being targeted at.   

Press TV: This issue should also raise serious concern and condemnation from the international community for medical treatment and the aid that the Israelis are giving these terrorists?

Mousavi: Well, this is another story that you have talked about, I mean international community, excuse me, what kind of international community? The so-called international community, the way it is being defined is part of the crime, it is part of the conspiracy. We talk about the coalition forces where the United States is part of the so-called international community and they see convoys of the Takfiri groups going to carry massacres or genocide against civilian areas and they do not do anything against them.

So I believe you are talking here about a kind of acceptance from the international community not to say more. It should draw condemnation from the active governments, it should draw condemnation from the Iraqi government, from the Iranian government and they are condemning this and they are trying to support the civilians in any way possible.

You only expect such kinds of positions coming from real governments that really care for the people not from those who are part of the conspiracy.   


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