Same-sex marriage
More8 years ago
Australia MPs reject same-sex marriage bill
Australia's parliament votes against the government’s proposal for a national vote on legalizing same-sex marriage.
Australia MPs reject same-sex marriage bill
EU9 years ago
Italians protest same-sex unions
Tens of thousands of Italians hold a massive anti-gay demonstration.
Italians protest same-sex unions
Reports9 years ago
US anti-same-sex clerk returns to work
A county clerk in the United States is back at work but remains defiant. She was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses for people of the same gender.
US anti-same-sex clerk returns to work
Society9 years ago
Faith groups fear US govt. punishment
Congressional Republicans are being pressurized by religious organizations to respond to the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage.
Faith groups fear US govt. punishment
Society9 years ago
Facebook promoting gay marriage
Facebook has been promoting same-sex marriage by allowing its members to add a rainbow colored flag to their profile photo.
Facebook promoting gay marriage
Foreign Policy9 years ago
'US gay policy to fail in rest of world'
The US plans to impose its same-sex marriage policy to the rest of the globe is unlikely to prove successful, says Russia's Alexei Pushkov.
'US gay policy to fail in rest of world'
Politics9 years ago
Clinton hails gay marriage decision
Hillary Clinton has hailed the Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriages across the United States.
Clinton hails gay marriage decision
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