US occupation
Iraq7 months ago
Badr forces joining Iraqi resistance against US, Israeli occupation can be game-changer
Iraqi resistance is powerful and has the capability to change the equation in West Asia. If Badr forces decide to actively join the battle against the US and Israeli occupation, that will certainly help.
Badr forces joining Iraqi resistance against US, Israeli occupation can be game-changer
Iraq11 months ago
‘Gates of hell will open’: Iraqi resistance issues ultimatum on exit of US forces
After weeks of strategic silence, Iraqi resistance group Kata’ib Hezbollah has made its position clear on key national security issues, warning that delay in expelling US forces would open the gates of hell.
‘Gates of hell will open’: Iraqi resistance issues ultimatum on exit of US forces
Viewpointone year ago
Time’s up: Threats won’t stop US ouster from Iraq after years of occupation
All eyes are on talks between US officials and the Iraqi government aimed at ending the years-long American military occupation. The writing is on the wall: US ouster from Iraq is only a matter of time.
Time’s up: Threats won’t stop US ouster from Iraq after years of occupation
Palestineone year ago
Attack on US base: Gaza genocide, US occupation of Iraq must end
The attack on a US military base on the Syria-Jordan border by the Iraqi resistance is a message that the genocide in Gaza and the US occupation of Iraq must end.
Attack on US base: Gaza genocide, US occupation of Iraq must end
Viewpointone year ago
Eight years since US forces turned Kunduz hospital into slaughterhouse
It’s been eight years since the Kunduz Hospital bombing, which is a constant reminder of how Americans perpetuated horrendous war crimes in Afghanistan and how the victims were always denied justice.
Eight years since US forces turned Kunduz hospital into slaughterhouse
Syriaone year ago
Syria blasts ‘illegal’ visit by senior US diplomat to Dayr al-Zawr
Syria has denounced the illegal entry of a US delegation into its territory, calling it a flagrant violation of the country’s sovereignty.
Syria blasts ‘illegal’ visit by senior US diplomat to Dayr al-Zawr
Viewpointone year ago
Video game propaganda: ‘Six Days in Fallujah’ whitewashes US war crimes 
The controversial video game ‘Six Days in Fallujah’ puts players in the shoes of US Marines fighting in Fallujah during the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq with the aim of whitewashing US war crimes.
Video game propaganda: ‘Six Days in Fallujah’ whitewashes US war crimes 
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