Daniel Patrick Welch
Foreign Policy2 years ago
Analyst: Overstretched US can’t start war against Iran
The United States would like to pursue military action but its hands are increasingly tied on the strictly military front, according to American writer Daniel Patrick Welch.
Analyst: Overstretched US can’t start war against Iran
Interviews2 years ago
'Western lies no match for unstoppable Russian rise'
Western lies are no match for the unstoppable Russian rise, says political commentator and analyst Daniel Patrick Welch.
'Western lies no match for unstoppable Russian rise'
Interviews3 years ago
Analyst: Russia faces down American Empire, with China's backing
Russia is facing down the American Empire, with China's backing, writes Daniel Patrick Welch.
Analyst: Russia faces down American Empire, with China's backing
2020 ELECTIONS4 years ago
US elections leave status quo unaffected, except for Trump
The US establishment got exactly what they want, says Daniel Patrick Welch.
US elections leave status quo unaffected, except for Trump
2020 ELECTIONS4 years ago
'For Entertainment Value Only': US fake elections exposed to the world
The US "election farce should come with a warning label like they have on children's toys, 'Valid For Entertainment Value Only,' otherwise you run the risk of mistaking it for a real election," says Daniel Patrick Welch.
'For Entertainment Value Only': US fake elections exposed to the world
Interviews5 years ago
The Empire strikes back at Bernie Sanders
The US is not a democracy, and woe betide any who dare challenge the status quo, as Bernie Sanders' supporters are learning, Daniel Patrick Welch writes.
The Empire strikes back at Bernie Sanders
Foreign Policy5 years ago
Are US voters finally getting sick of being told what to think?
“Bernie Sanders’ rise signals grassroots rebellion, but imperialism remains unchallenged. Even still, the establishment are losing their collective minds,” writes Daniel Patrick Welch.
Are US voters finally getting sick of being told what to think?
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