US imperialism
Conversationsone year ago
Intl. People’s Tribunal seeks to challenge violence of US imperialism: Co-chair
Amid the rise of the global majority, anti-imperialist movements are joining forces to abolish the capitalist and imperialist systems perpetuating violence, says a legal scholar and activist.
Intl. People’s Tribunal seeks to challenge violence of US imperialism: Co-chair
Politicsone year ago
International forum holds tribunal on US imperialism, rejects sanctions
An international forum comprised of high-profile scholars have held a tribunal on the attrocities perpetrated by successive US administrations through a range of imperialistic approaches, including draconian sanctions and coercive measures, against various countries across the world.
International forum holds tribunal on US imperialism, rejects sanctions
Imperialismone year ago
Intentions (Part 3)
The United States has long been drawing on cultural diplomacy as a soft power in order to maintain and spread its hegemony in different countries with different cultures.
Intentions (Part 3)
Viewpointone year ago
35 years since 'Farzand e Imam' was killed for taking on Takfiris, Zionists
A young and visionary political figure, Hussaini was the symbol of resistance and resilience against Takfiri, imperialist and Zionist forces in the Muslim-majority country, inspired by the Islamic Revolution.
35 years since 'Farzand e Imam' was killed for taking on Takfiris, Zionists
Politicsone year ago
Iran in midst of global fight against arrogant powers: Leader
The Leader says Iran is in the midst of a “civilizational and global” confrontation with “lying” arrogant powers.
Iran in midst of global fight against arrogant powers: Leader
Russiaone year ago
Moscow: 'West walking Hitler's path, trying to dismember Russia'
A senior Russian official has accused the West of plotting to “destroy and dismember” Russia, saying the bloc is walking in the footsteps of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
Moscow: 'West walking Hitler's path, trying to dismember Russia'
Investigationsone year ago
A history of meddling: Why Iran, Latin America see common enemy in US
In President Ebrahim Raeisi's meetings with leaders of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba during his recent three-nation tour of Latin America, the pressing issue that figured prominently in discussions was resistance against US interventionism across the world.
A history of meddling: Why Iran, Latin America see common enemy in US
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