Politics2 years ago
Leader: Iran will help Palestinian nation in any way it can
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has criticized Muslim leaders for failing to stand firm against Israel, stressing that Iran will continue to support the Palestinian nation in any way it can.
Leader: Iran will help Palestinian nation in any way it can
Politics2 years ago
Iran raps hostile provisions in US 2023 National Defense Authorization Act
Tehran denounces the hostile and provocative anti-Iran provisions in the US National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023.
Iran raps hostile provisions in US 2023 National Defense Authorization Act
More2 years ago
Twitter aided Pentagon’s covert propaganda campaign in West Asia: Report
Twitter secretly created a special “whitelist” exempting accounts run by US Central Command (CENTCOM) from spam and abuse flags, according to a new investigation.
Twitter aided Pentagon’s covert propaganda campaign in West Asia: Report
Politics2 years ago
Iran: Alarm sounded for Israeli regime, supporters amid internal crisis, resistance
Iran's foreign ministry spokesman says the alarm has been sounded for the occupying Israeli regime and its Western backers, enumerating key recent developments in support of the Palestinian cause. 
Iran: Alarm sounded for Israeli regime, supporters amid internal crisis, resistance
Politics2 years ago
Tehran slams new US bans against Iranian individuals, firms over alleged cyber attacks
The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry blasts fresh against Iranian individuals and firms over alleged involvement in cyber attacks.
Tehran slams new US bans against Iranian individuals, firms over alleged cyber attacks
News Headlines2 years ago
Press TV's news headlines
Here are Press TV's latest top stories at 17:00 GMT, September 03, 2022
Press TV's news headlines
Politics2 years ago
Leader: Neutralizing US criminal plots led to Iranophobia, Shiaphobia
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Islamic Republic of Iran is standing up against the conspiracies of arrogant powers, and rejected their outrageous demands time and again.
Leader: Neutralizing US criminal plots led to Iranophobia, Shiaphobia
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