Iran Tech9 months ago
Gallium generator
Gallium is the element that we use to diagnose a variety of different cancer types.
Gallium generator
Iran Tech9 months ago
General cancer diagnosis tool
For 10 years, Iran's radiopharmaceutical industry has been able to manufacture a general diagnosis tool for identifying cancer tumors.
General cancer diagnosis tool
Iran Tech9 months ago
Accessible cancer diagnosis
The most accurate way to diagnose prostate cancer in men is through PET scans.
Accessible cancer diagnosis
Palestineone year ago
Pro-Palestine protesters rage in NYC, call for end to US aid to Israel
Pro-Palestine protesters march in NYC urging an end to US military aid to Israel and the total siege that could result in the health system’s “total collapse” in the Gaza Strip.
Pro-Palestine protesters rage in NYC, call for end to US aid to Israel
Palestineone year ago
Thousands of Gaza cancer patients face deadly treatment delays
More than 10,000 cancer patients in Gaza have been left without access to life-saving treatments as the only cancer hospital in the Strip shut down in the early days of the Israeli attack.
Thousands of Gaza cancer patients face deadly treatment delays
Sci-Techone year ago
Iran among three countries producing anticancer drug ibrutinib
Iran becomes the third country in the world to indigenize production of the anticancer drug known as ibrutinib.
Iran among three countries producing anticancer drug ibrutinib
Iran Techone year ago
In this episode, we will see how nuclear technology helps the world of medicine.
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