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Donald Trump is back as US President

US President Donald Trump (File Photo by Reuters)

One of the most polarized eras in United States history is set to continue for at least four more years as Donald Trump has become the second ever president to win two non-consecutive terms.

Few expected the 2024 election to be as turbulent as the 2020 COVID-influenced vote, but Trump retakes power after controversial felony convictions, an assassination attempt that missed by a centimeter the back room, forcing out of aged incumbent Joe Biden and the fourth closest popular vote in a century.

Many are of the view that Kamala Harris lost the election due to the choice to commit genocide in Gaza, Biden's corruption allegations, and, the unfulfilled promises of the Democratic Party.

They continue to move their policies further right and further right, and that's incredibly unpopular for a working class population, so it is their fault.

If they had, I think, learned from their mistakes in 2020 they would have understood what's at stake, and instead, they continue to move further right, because that is ultimately the ruling class agenda.

So it's their fault. They lost, and the working people have to suffer for it.

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Republicans essentially dominate all branches of government at the federal and state level currently, however, that doesn't equate to unity or electoral confidence.

A new poll finds that 70% of all voters are disappointed with the electoral landscape, with only 20% describing themselves as optimistic, fired up, inspired or proud.

Whether it's a Democrat or Republican in office we face the same oppression. …not only us but everybody around the world, especially, in the Global South.

We're still out here to fight such a clearly fascist, clearly racist, and clearly oppressive, incoming president.

And we just want to show that we are united as a people, and this is not what we want.

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Many fear what a more experienced and possibly vengeful Trump will now attempt to do.

Others worry that the Democrats' failure will endure for years, but many also say it's too overwhelming to choose the nation's biggest problems.

All of it! The capitalism, the militarism and the parallelism and its impact on the working class. 

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The Biden era ends in disgrace, and the often disgraced Trump has returned to power.

Prior to 2016, political apathy dominated the United States, and Trump's comeback may mark a return to domestic disengagement as to how, and for whom, the country is run.

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