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Iran rejects 'worthless' US claims about presidential election

Nasser Kan'ani, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman

Iran has categorically dismissed "worthless the meddlesome" remarks by a US administration official regarding the country’s ongoing presidential election. 

Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani’s vehement condemnation came after Abram Paley, the deputy special envoy for Iran at the US State Department, accused the Islamic Republic in a post on his X social media account of “suppressing election coverage,” and claimed that the vote was not “free and fair,” among other false allegations.

“The American authorities will not benefit from such worthless statements and the Iranian people will strongly respond to such interventionist remarks with their effective and enthusiastic participation at the polls, just like in the past,” Kan'ani said on Friday.

“The genuine and direct role of the people in determining their political destiny in the Islamic Republic of Iran is an obvious principle and has always been proven in practice,” he added.

Kan'ani also underlined that the soundness and fairness of elections in Iran has been proven in previous cases of voting.

"The establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran and election organizers consider the people's vote as a trust and a right of the people, and protecting it an obligation, the comprehension of which is probably difficult for the totalitarian mentality of American officials." 

Kan'ani touched on the manifestations and results of the so-called American democracy inside the United States and elsewhere, saying world nations have experienced "its bitter taste.”

“For instance, the outcome of American democracy and human rights in the occupied territories is criminals who are known for occupation, racism, war and bloodshed and terrorist acts,” Kan'ani said.

“If the mechanism of US democracy permitted, the American people would definitely choose better rulers for themselves.”

The spokesman also denounced the US treatment of pro-Palestine students and professors in the American universities as a clear evidence of Washington’s track record in the field of human rights and freedom of expression.

"The world is witnessing how, with beatings, illegal arrests, and dismissals, talking about human rights in America has turned into an empty slogan," he said. 

More than 61 million Iranian people are eligible to vote on Friday, the head of the election headquarters said.

Voting is underway at 58,640 polling stations across the country, mostly in schools and mosques. Early projections of the results are expected by Saturday morning and official results by Sunday.

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