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Iran presidential vote

Campaigning for Iran’s 2024 presidential election has officially come to an end with less than 24 hours until Friday’s crucial vote. Polls will open at 04:30 GMT. Over 61 million people are eligible to cast their ballots in some 59,000 polling stations across the country. Iranian expats will also be able to vote in nearly 100 countries. People will choose a new president for Iran for the next four years. Six candidates have been approved for the election that was organized after the passing of President Ebrahim Raeisi in a helicopter crash. The contenders have been holding three weeks of intense campaign rallies and meetings. 

US-Israeli genocide in Gaza 

The Israeli regime continues its bloody onslaught on the Gaza Strip by carrying out more air and artillery strikes against the blockaded territory. The latest attack targeted a residential building in central Gaza, leaving two Palestinians dead. In the flashpoint southern city of Rafah, the Israeli military attacked various areas by an airstrike and artillery fire. More than 37,700 people have been killed since the Israeli regime launched its genocidal war on Gaza in early October, last year. Over 15,000 of those are children and this is while the UNICEF says bodies of thousands of missing children remain buried under the rubble. More than 86,400 people have also been injured. The International Network for Aid, Relief and Assistance warned about the level of destruction in Gaza saying almost all of the territory is uninhabitable. 

Resistance supports Palestine  

Yemen’s Ansarullah leader has hailed the Arab country’s joint operations with the Islamic resistance in Iraq. Abdul-malik al-Houthi says the retaliatory operations are a symbol of unity and brotherhood in the Muslim world against Israel’s aggressions. Houthi described resistance as the right and wise option against Israeli crimes in the war-torn Gaza Strip. He also praised the Yemeni army’s naval reprisal operations that led to the withdrawal of the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower from the Red Sea. Houthi said Yemen’s resistance has humiliated Washington in regional waters. The Yemeni leader slammed the US and UK airstrikes on the Arab country, stressing that the aggression pushed Sana’a to develop its defense capabilities. Elsewhere in his remarks, Houthi blasted certain Arab nations for continuing to supply goods to Israel, urging them to exert all-out pressure on the regime. The Yemeni leader hailed the pro-Palestine rallies worldwide, and called for another million-man show of support for Palestinians on Friday.



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