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High election turnout to ramp up Iran’s power in region, world: Official

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani (file photo)

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman says high voter turnout in the June 28 presidential election is crucial to enhancing the country’s power and influence in the region and beyond.

Nasser Kan’ani made the remarks in a post on his X account on Tuesday.

Iranians gear up for the snap presidential election, following President Ebrahim Raeisi’s martyrdom in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran on May 19.

Kan’ani said elections in Iran “demonstrate religious democracy.” He said broad participation of Iranians in elections, along with their influential role in managing the country, will boost national power in advancing foreign policy goals.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the presence of numerous prominent and well-known foreign media reporters in Iran to cover the election highlights the international attention on this important political event.

Kan’ani also said Iran’s influential role in the region is demonstrated in the presence of 180 foreign journalists for the coverage of the election.

It also highlights the impact of the presidential election on domestic affairs and foreign policy, the official said.

“Undoubtedly, the pride of Iran is the common aspiration of all Iranians, and Iranians living abroad will once again show their great love for dear Iran with their enthusiastic participation in this election.”

The new administration, the 14th since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, will assume power in late June or early July and will hold office for four years.

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