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Russia downs dozens of Ukrainian drones

A Ukrainian serviceman launches a spy drone for flying over positions of Russian troops, in Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, on May 26, 2024. (Photo by Reuters)

Russia says its forces have shot down 30 drones fired by Ukraine over border regions between the two countries, amid reports of casualties.

“The anti-air defense systems destroyed 29 drones in the Belgorod region and one in Voronezh,” Russia’s defense ministry said on Telegram on Tuesday.

According to the ministry, the drones were fired overnight.

Meanwhile, the governor of Belgorod said on Telegram an elderly woman was killed and several people injured in multiple Ukrainian air raids.

Vyacheslav Gladkov said the elderly woman was killed in a village near the administrative center of the southern Russian region.

He added that two people were also injured with shrapnel wounds when at least six of Ukrainian drones were destroyed over the Yakovlevsky district in the Belgorod region.

Another person was wounded after a drone was downed over the city of Belgorod, while another woman sustained injuries in one of the region's villages, he said.

According to his remarks, dozens of buildings and cars were also damaged across the region.

That came as Ukraine has repeatedly been fatally attacking Belgorod in recent months, and amid intensified fighting between the two sides.

In February 2022, Russia launched what it called a special military operation in Ukraine partly to prevent NATO’s eastward expansion after warning that the US-led military alliance was following an “aggressive line” against Moscow.

The Western countries have been fueling the flames of the war with their unchecked delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that such a flow of weapons to Kiev will only prolong the conflict.

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