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Iran: Canada’s blacklisting of IRGC ‘mindless gift to Israel, terrorists’

Iran’s interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani (Photo by Tasnim news agency)

Iran’s interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani has denounced the Canadian government’s decision to blacklist the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), describing it as a senseless gift to the bloodthirsty Israeli regime, terrorists and enemies of peace and stability in West Asia.

“Canada's unlawful act of declaring an integral part of the official military force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has played an irreplaceable role in defending the national security and territorial integrity of dear Iran, and protecting the security and stability of the region and confronting the terrorism by Daesh, was malicious and violates the principles and rules of international law,” Bagheri Kani wrote in a post published on the social media platform X on Thursday.

The Iranian official added that it was “a mindless gift to the bloodthirsty regime, terrorists and other enemies of peace and stability in the region.”

Bagheri Kani said the Canadian government will be held accountable for the consequences of the provocative and irresponsible decision.

“May all enemies be afraid of you! May the hearts of the wicked ones be cut in half!” the interim Iranian foreign minister stated.

In a hostile move against Iran, Canada's Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc Ottawa on Wednesday listed the IRGC as a “terrorist entity” under the Criminal Code and called on Canadians in Iran to leave.

Last month, the Canadian House of Commons adopted a non-binding resolution calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to blacklist the IRGC and expel an estimated 700 Iranians.

The move makes Canada the second country in North America after the United States to blacklist the IRGC. 

Canada broke off diplomatic ties with Iran and closed its Tehran embassy in a surprise move in 2012, citing various reasons, including Iran’s support for Syria, its nuclear work, and alleged threats to the Israeli regime.

In the same year, however, Ottawa took off the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) from its list of terrorist organizations.

In 2022, Iran's Foreign Ministry imposed sanctions on eight Canadian officials and one institution over their support for anti-Iran terrorists and acts of terror among other things.

Canada has also been serving, for years, as a safe haven for Iranian embezzlers, who have fled their safe in the knowledge that Ottawa would not take the trouble to extradite them.

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