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Protesters worldwide call for permanent ceasefire in Gaza, end to Israeli crimes

Thousands of Indonesians march in Karawang, West Java to show solidarity with Palestine on Nov. 26, 2023.

Thousands of protesters across various parts of the world have called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza as the Israeli bombs temporarily stopped falling from the sky on the people in the besieged strip.

Demonstrations were held on Sunday in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

Indonesians from various cities marched through the streets of Karawang, West Java as they waved Palestinian flags and chanted “Free Palestine.”

Indonesians in Bali, North Sulawesi and Depok, West Java, also took to the streets over the weekend in similar marches.

The demonstrations were the latest in several huge protests staged across Indonesia since Israel began its deadly onslaught on Palestinian civilians in Gaza last month.

Adipati, who like many Indonesians goes by one name and was among the protesters in Karawang on Sunday, said that he joined the march to stand up against the Israeli occupation.

“I took part because I care, and I want to stand up for justice, to unite for justice in the name of humanity,” he said. “I want freedom for Palestine.”

Protest coordinator Cecep Jasim said that “the situation in Gaza right now is a product of Israeli violence that has hurt people’s hearts across the globe.” 

“We are calling for a permanent ceasefire… We also demand the immediate delivery of critical humanitarian aid to Palestinians in need,” Jasim was quoted as saying

“These protests are important, especially for the international community, so that we can show what Israel is doing to Palestine is an act of terrorism that we must fight against,” he said.

“You don’t have to be a Muslim to stand up for Palestine. You only need to be human,” Jasim said.

“As a civilized human being, we must not allow the oppression that is leaning toward genocide in Palestine to continue. Our support will mean a lot for the people of Palestine.” 

Sunday’s protest came on the third day of a four-day cease-fire after Israel agreed to stop the daily bombardment in exchange for the release of its captives held by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

Since early October, the Israeli military has dropped about 40,000 tons of bombs on Gaza, authorities in the strip said and carried out attacks on crucial public facilities, including hospitals and schools.

At least 14,800 people have been killed in the besieged Palestinian enclave and tens of thousands more wounded since then.

Meanwhile, rallies were held across several other parts of the globe in solidarity with Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

In Germany, Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated in Frankfurt, calling for a free Gaza and free Palestine.

In Italy, demonstrators took to the streets of Milan, demanding an end to the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

They voiced their support for Palestinians in Gaza and called for a permanent ceasefire in the besieged territory.

In Sri Lanka, protesters gathered in front of the US embassy in Colombo to condemn Washington’s support and arms delivery to Israel during the ongoing war.

Thousands of pro-Palestine demonstrators of all faiths were back on the streets of the British capital London with many traveling from other parts of the UK, united in their demands for a permanent ceasefire.

Last week, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to resume the Israeli offensive against Gaza as soon as the truce ends.

“We are at war, and we will continue the war,” he said at a cabinet meeting. “We will continue until we achieve all our goals.”

The Israeli prime minister said that during the lull, intelligence efforts will be maintained, allowing the army to prepare for the next stages of battle. He said the battle would continue until “Gaza will not threaten Israel.”

Israel intensifies violent raids across West Bank

Meanwhile, a funeral procession has been held in the occupied West Bank for five Palestinians killed in the latest Israeli raid in Jenin.

Mourners condemned Israel’s crimes and called on the international community to take action. Regime forces raided Jenin early on Sunday, firing indiscriminately at the residents.

They also encircled the city’s hospital. The attack left five people dead. Three other Palestinians were also killed in Nablus, El-Bireh and Qabatiya.

Nearly 340 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli settlers and forces in the occupied West Bank since October 7.

The Islamic Jihad movement says Israel’s actions are aimed at exterminating Palestinians and implementing the regime's displacement plan and settlement expansion.


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