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UN experts point to evidence of Israel’s ‘genocidal incitement’ against Gaza

A Palestinian girl is carried to hospital amid Israel’s bombardment of Gaza City, October 17, 2023. (AFP)

The United Nations experts say there is “evidence of increasing genocidal incitement” against the Palestinians amid Israel’s relentless assaults on the besieged Gaza Strip.

The group of experts, which included several special rapporteurs, said in a statement on Thursday “grave violations" were being committed by Israel against the people across the blockaded Palestinian territory.

“We are deeply disturbed by the failure of governments to heed our call and to achieve an immediate ceasefire,” the statement read.

“We are also profoundly concerned about the support of certain governments for Israel’s strategy of warfare against the besieged population of Gaza, and the failure of the international system to mobilize to prevent genocide.”

The experts had previously warned that time was running out to “prevent genocide and humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza.

A group of lawyers representing Palestinian victims of the Israeli war filed a complaint earlier this week with the International Criminal Court (ICC). The lawyers say Israel’s actions in Gaza amount to genocide.

Disease, hunger inevitable in Gaza: UN rights chief

“Massive outbreaks of infectious disease, and hunger, seem inevitable," UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said during a briefing in Geneva on Thursday.

He said the depletion of fuel would be “catastrophic” across Gaza, leading to the collapse of sewage systems, healthcare and ending the scarce humanitarian aid being supplied.

Turk also said Israel’s bombardment was “of an intensity rarely experienced in this century.”

The UN official also expressed concern about increasing violence against the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

“In my view, this creates a potentially explosive situation, and I want to be clear: we are well beyond the level of early warning,” Turk said. “I am ringing the loudest possible alarm bell about the occupied West Bank.”

The World Health Organization has warned of “worrying trends” in disease spread in Gaza.

Palestinian envoy wants countries to ‘wake up’ to genocide in Gaza

Palestinian Ambassador Ibrahim Khraishi told a gathering of UN member states in Geneva on Thursday that countries must “wake up” to the massive violations Israel is committing in Gaza. “You should wake up in this room. This is a massacre, this is genocide, and we're seeing it on TV. It cannot continue.”

Gaza health officials say Israeli bulldozers and tanks have destroyed parts of the southern entrance to the Shifa medical complex in Gaza City. The regime’s military has also confirmed its raid into the facility.

Hospital officials and doctors say the complex’s water reserve has been nearly depleted, jeopardizing the lives of patients and people sheltering there.

Israeli forces entered the complex, claiming it was atop a military command center of the Hamas resistance movement. Hamas has categorically denied the regime’s allegation, saying Israel lies about finding weapons at the complex.

Israel has been targeting hospitals and medical facilities in Gaza in defiance of international condemnations. Attacks on hospitals are against international law and the Geneva Conventions that stipulate medical facilities as civilian infrastructure.

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