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Envoy: Iran will make Israel, West regret warmongering plots in region

This picture taken on August 3, 2021 shows the Israeli-managed Japanese-owned tanker MT Mercer Street, off the UAE’s Fujairah port. (Photo by AFP)

Iran’s ambassador to France has rejected “delusional” accusations leveled at Tehran regarding a suspected drone attack on an Israeli-managed oil tanker, saying the Islamic Republic will make Tel Aviv and its Western allies regret for igniting the flames of war in the region.

Bahram Qassemi made the remarks in a statement on Friday, one week after reports of an incident for the Mercer Street, operated by Israeli-owned Zodiac Maritime Company, off the coast of Oman that killed two crew members.

The Israeli regime and the Western countries alleged that Iran had been behind the attack without presenting any shred of evidence to substantiate their claims.

Tehran denied any involvement in the incident and categorically dismissed the accusations.

In a highly provocative statement, Israel’s minister of military affairs Benny Gantz said the regime was prepared to "take military action against Iran."

An Iranian envoy to the United Nations said the occupying entity is “playing victim” to divert the world public opinion from its crimes and inhumane practices in the region.

Qassemi, a former foreign ministry spokesman, emphasized that Iran - as the country that has the most coastline with the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman and enjoys several thousand years of civilization - has always made great efforts throughout its history to strengthen regional peace and stability and protect security of the Persian Gulf and freedom of navigation.

“Peace, stability, freedom of navigation, and the safeguarding of strategic waterways in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, and even in other parts of the world, are an undeniable principle and necessity for Iran,” he added.

The Iranian envoy also warned that Tel Aviv and its partners are trying to disrupt Washington’s new policy on a political settlement of Iran’s nuclear issue.  

“Enraged by possible continuation and progress of the diplomatic process and negotiations as well as new approaches in the US government on the resolution of issues ahead through political channels, the occupying extremists and their allies are doing their best to damage this process, and in their evil path, they are using every trick to create an unconstructive and destructive atmosphere for warmongering,” he said.

“Relying on false and baseless accusations and fabricated scenarios by third parties is like planting mines in the path of rationality and disrupting diplomatic trends.... Their recent adventures in the Mercer Street incident will be neither their first conspiracy nor their last anti-Iranian measure. Iran will pass through such warmongering multi-purpose traps more vigilantly than ever.”

Qassemi further stressed that Iran strongly condemns any destabilizing act or conspiracy that targets the freedom of navigation and transportation in the sensitive region.

“Through special strategic wisdom and vigilance, Iran will continue to disgrace the occupiers, who are trying to ignite the flames of war, and make them regret especially at the current very critical juncture.”

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