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Number of disabilities in Yemen growing

Abdullatif Al-washali
Press TV, Sana'a

Since the beginning of the Saudi-led war on Yemen, thousands of civilians have lost their limbs, eyes, or got mentally disabled due to the lethal bombardment on civilian facilities.

According to Amnesty International, four million people with disabilities in Yemen face multiple challenges, and the number is growing up each year as the war continues.

Yemen's Disabled Care Fund says it provides healthcare services for more than 200,000 disabled, including 50,000 children who are getting educational services as well. However, the fund is suffering from a shortage of money amid the continued absence of related international organizations.

In late 2015, the Saudi-led coalition has bombed the al-Noor Center for Care and Rehabilitation of the Blind in Sana'a inflicting heavy damages on it.

Since the beginning of the Saudi war on Yemen in March 2015, the relentless bombardments of the kingdom have killed tens of thousands of civilians including women and children.

Besides losing parts of their bodies, millions of people with disabilities are among those most oppressed groups amid what the United Nations has called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. They say the Saudi war and blockade have turned their lives into a real tragedy.

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