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Resurgent Welsh nationalists call for radical change to ‘political landscape’

The Welsh independence movement is showing signs of significant resurgence ahead of parliamentary elections in May

After a period of relative inactivity Welsh nationalists are showing signs of resurgence with a view to making 2021 an eventful year for the cause of Welsh independence.

The pro-independence campaign group Yes Cymru is calling for “major changes” to the Welsh political landscape with a view to creating the conditions for independence.

The group’s chairman, Sion Jobbins, claims Welsh devolution has reached a “cul de sac” and changes are needed to break the political deadlock.

Speaking to BBC Politics Wales (January 17), Jobbins claimed Yes Cymru had created a “mass movement” towards independence and it is now seeking to expand its grassroots base.

Yes Cymru is independent of the main Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales).

The campaign group is increasing its activity with a view to making the maximum impact on May’s elections for the Welsh Parliament, known locally as the Senedd Cymru.

Jobbins told the BBC the movement would not be supporting just one political party at the election but will instead invest in a broad range of pro-independence forces.

Besides Plaid Cymru, the Green Party, Gwald and potentially a new and small nationalist party known as Propel (which has yet to be officially registered), are all believed to be planning on standing on a pro-independence platform.

Yes Cymru – which attempts to stand above party politics – has increased its activity in recent weeks and claims its membership now surpasses 17,000 people.

Jobbins even claims that some elements of the Tory party in Wales are potentially in favor of Welsh independence.

"We know about 10% of people who vote Tory actually would vote for [Welsh] independence... there is room there for conservative-minded people", he told BBC Politics Wales.

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