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Susan Rice has blood on her hands: Journalist

Former US National Security Advisor Susan Rice speaks at the J Street 2018 National Conference April 16, 2018 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

By Don DeBar

Susan Rice is another one of the recycled Clinton people, and in fact the Democratic Party had her going back even before that.

Her mother has been around. She helped design Pell Grants. She had been with Brookings since ‘92 which is about when Susan graduated into the Clinton administration (in 1993) and went directly to the National Security Council.

She was with Bill Clinton for his administration. Obama had her - first at the UN, and then as his National Security Adviser (I think). She's about as inside as it gets. She has blood on her hands in Africa, Rwanda.

The people's understanding of the Rwandan genocide in the United States is exactly upside down. There was a genocide there, but it was the side that the US-backed, not surprisingly, and that was Susan Rice's project. She was a member of the National Security Council to do international affairs and that was one big act of the Clinton administration - that move to pivot to Africa, around Rwanda.

It was also the enabling of their so-called humanitarian interventions, and in any way that's her child.

At the United Nations, she helped bring us the destruction of Libya, enabled the situation in Syria to the extent that she could, and tried to sell authority for the US to bomb the hell out of Syria as well.

It's going to be more war, really.

Let me remind people when Trump took office in January of 2017 the foreign policy that Susan Rice and Barack Obama and the Clintons, and John Kerry had set in motion had us where we were having war games at Russia and China's borders from the Baltics to the Korean peninsula, on a constant basis, with a number of international incidents - including NATO members shooting down Russian pilots over Syria - any of which could have escalated, and really turning on a dime into a global thermonuclear war.

Trump for all the things he has done does not leave us - if he's leaving - in that situation. But what they're doing is installing the very people who created that condition to start from day one to bring us right back to the brink with Russia and China.

I think it's very scary that Susan Rice is being considered for this. I don't think it's a surprise at all. Anyone who knows who Joe Biden is not surprised.

Don DeBar is an American journalist and political commentator based in New York. He recorded this article for Press TV website. 

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