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Israel fires phosphorous shells at Lebanon’s southern border: Media

Israeli forces launch flares across Lebanon border after a suspected infiltration attempt on August 25, 2020. (Photo by Lebanon’s al-Manar television channel)

Lebanese media say Israeli forces have fired phosphorous shells at areas along the country’s border with the occupied territories.

Lebanon’s al-Manar television channel announced late on Tuesday that the Israeli occupation forces had fired phosphorus bombs at Lebanese territories in the southern towns of Houla and Mays al-Jabal.

Witnesses also said Israel had fired dozens of illumination flares at border villages in southern Lebanon over what the regime claimed was a "security-related incident.”

Israeli media initially said the firing was amid concerns over a possible infiltration near Kibbutz Menara in the Upper Galilee area, located near the Lebanese border and the Israeli-occupied side of Golan.

The firing of more than 30 flares was followed by orders compelling Israeli settlers in five communities to stay at home.

Israel's Channel 12 television network confirmed the report and underlined that the incident took place “as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was on vacation in the north.”

The Lebanese media also said Israeli aircraft had been spotted after violating the country’s airspace in the south.

During the past several weeks, the occupied territories have been on alert over the possibility of a retaliatory attack by Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement after one of its members was martyred in an Israeli aggression on the Syrian soil last month.

Ali Kamel Mohsen was killed during an Israeli attack near the Syrian capital of Damascus on July 20, according to a statement by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah said at the time that a response to the deadly aggression was “inevitable,” which led to the deployment of more troops by the Israeli regime to the north of the occupied territories.

Israel claimed a week later that the regime’s forces had thwarted an effort by Hezbollah fighters to infiltrate into the occupied territories through Shebaa farms, an allegation firmly denied by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah said all Israeli claims about border clashes with the movement’s fighters were fake and aimed to boost the morale of Israeli forces by fabricating fictitious victories.

Hezbollah had vowed in the past to retaliate for any of its members that were killed by Israeli forces in Syria.

The resistance group fired a barrage of anti-tank missiles into the occupied territories in September last year after two of its members were martyred in an Israeli aggression near Damascus.

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