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Taliban stage deadly bomb attack on Afghan commandos, civilians

Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers escort a convoy of Taliban prisoners during their release from the Bagram prison, near Kabul, Afghanistan, on May 26, 2020. (Photo by AFP)

At least three people have been killed and dozens of others injured in a truck bomb attack near a military base in Afghanistan’s northern province of Balkh.

The Afghan Defense Ministry said in a statement that 41 people, including civilians, had been injured in the truck bomb explosion, which occurred early on Tuesday morning.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the blast, saying on Twitter they had attacked commando units.

According to the ministry, the attack killed two members of the commando force and wounded six others, while the rest of the casualties were civilians.

The blast came even as Taliban representatives visited Pakistan to discuss a promise to open talks with the Afghan government.

According to Afghan official data, the Taliban have increased their bombings and other assaults by 70 percent since they signed a “peace” deal with the United States in February.

Under that agreement, the US will withdraw its forces from Afghanistan, and the Taliban will refrain from attacking international occupying forces.

The militants have not been required to make a pledge to avoid attacking Afghan forces and civilians.

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