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UAE-Israel normalization has weakened the so called two-state solution

Robert Inlakesh

Press TV, London

Last week, the UAE and Israel announced their intention to sign an agreement to formally normalize ties between the two regimes. The move has sparked outrage throughout the Arab and Muslim world, but praise from many Western nations.

As part of the normalization deal, it was stated in a US press release by Donald Trump, that Israel will postpone its planned de-jury annexation of West Bank territory. However this claim has been disputed by experts on the issue.

Also relevant to the conversation of annexation is the death of the Arab Peace Initiative which was proposed, first in 2002, in order to reach a so-called two-State settlement of the Palestine-Israel conflict.

Leading many to believe that the idea of land for peace, as it was presented by the Arab League, has faded away. Several Arab regimes also currently cooperate with Israel, on various levels, sparking speculation as to whether the move paves the way for more of the same.

The European Union stated its willingness to endorse the alleged peace deal between the UAE and Israel, however failed to address Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s public statement, claiming that his regime still intends to annex West Bank territory. Many feeling that all but words have been lost when it comes to standing up for the Palestinians

The word betrayal comes to the minds of many. Every day since the UAE announced it would normalize ties with Israel, the Israeli occupation forces have closed the sole humanitarian aid crossing into the Gaza Strip and bombed the besieged territory every night. Leading many Palestinians to think that if this is what peace with Israel looks like, they don’t like the sound of it.

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