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Ted Cruz's fear mongering is misplaced: Analyst

US Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled "Examining Best Practices for Incarceration and Detention During COVID-19," in the Dirksen Building in Washington, DC on June 2, 2020. (AFP photo)

Republican Senator Ted Cruz's fear mongering is misplaced; former US President Obama gave Donald Trump the authority to end our personal freedoms, according to Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist. 

Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a statement of the Taxes senator who warned that if President Trump doesn’t win his state that “it’s all over” in the 2020 election.

“In Texas, the stakes are especially high,” Cruz said in a video posted on his Facebook page on Sunday. “Texas is the single biggest target for the left in 2020, politically speaking. There’s 38 electoral votes at stake. There’s a US Senate seat at stake. Texas is the key for national domination for years to come. If Democrats win Texas, it’s all over.”

“If we don’t win Texas, we don’t win the White House,” Cruz continued. “We lose control of the Washington. We lose the precious freedoms Texans and all Americans that we believe in such as the right of free speech, to peacefully express our views. Such as the right to religious liberty, to practice your religion free of government getting in the way. Such as the Second Amendment, the right to protect yourself, your family, and your home from harm.”

Commenting on this, Hoenig said, “They say things are bigger in Texas and that includes the fear mongering and lies from its elected leaders. Sen. Cruz, who was humiliated in the Republican primary by Donald Trump then bent over backwards to support him out of fear of being an outcast in his party. Ironic in that he has been known to be the least liked senator of both parties.”

“Cruz acknowledges a possibility that Texas could vote for Biden, a Democrat, which it hasn’t done since Jimmy Carter in 1980. It has had Democratic senators and national leaders before, like Lloyd Bentsen and of course former President Johnson, respectively. In the last race, against him, he nearly lost to a very Republican-lite Democrat O’Rourke. This time Trump could lose to Republican-lite Biden and a senate seat is also up for grabs, too,” he stated.

“It’s ironic that Cruz would say that we as Americans will lose our individual freedoms if Trump doesn’t win. Under Trump, his brown shirted racist storm troopers from the Border Control and elsewhere are arresting people on site, forcing them into unmarked vans, sometimes blindfolded, and later released. Their brutality on the streets against protesters are not unusual, though. The fear that our rights will ‘go away’ has already been realized but not with Trump. It was the Obama/Biden administration that gave Trump the authority to do what he’s doing under NDAA. And people like to forget how Obama’s brown shirted racist storm troopers crushed Occupy and unleashed brutal treatment of the Dakota pipeline protesters, including using water hoses on them in freezing weather,” he said.

“To use a worn out cliché, every four years is always ‘the most important election in American history’. The hyperbole gets old very quickly, but lasts for every presidential election cycle. If there is an election, and if this president abides by the results, questionable if he should lose, knowing the character, or lack of, of this president it is possible that this is the most important election of our time. Unfortunately, the main option will likely be only a nuanced difference. To use another cliché, in November we’re likely to go from the fire to the frying pan,” he concluded.

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